Saturday, May 31, 2014

Post grad blues

Graduating from college has been one of the most exhilarating moment that has ever happened to me.  No more early morning registration. No more looking into No more professors. And no more early morning classes. I'm actually excited to live life without these...

But... a big but. What happens after college? A lot of people have been telling me to just take it slow and take a break during the summer. As much as I want to listen to them. I just can't. I'm not that type of person to just sit back and relax and watch everything unfold. I'm more of the go-getter, I need to be doing something with my life.

However, every things not going accordingly to plan. I've been applying everywhere, but not a lot of people have been calling me back. Which sucks because I'm ready to work. I'm ready to learn. I'm ready to make money. But like what they all say, you don't get your dream job right off the bat.

So I guess patience is a virtue. I just need to let everything unfold and see what the man upstairs has planned out for me.


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